(Meyer 2017) 343 EM
[JM 17-15]
(Scrumptious x unk)
Medium shade of pink getting lighter toward the center. Inner petal edge
fringed with pale spring green color.
3 3/4” floret, 24 buds, 8 open, 6 in color
Flowerhead 24”
Field Height 56”
77 days
Large and Medium= $3 each
AAS (Meyer 2017) 377 EM
[103-100] (Cindy B x unk)
deep royal lavender with a wide tan lip petal marking extending 3/4 onto
lip petal with a dusting of deep lavender over the tan
3 3/4” floret, 26 buds, 10 open, 8 in color
Flowerhead 26”
Field Height 56”
79 days
LARGE $5.00
(Schalow 2017) 201 E
[LL-19] (Reflection x Lady Lucille)
Beautiful white with a light yellow center and 2 red spots in throat
3” floret, 24 buds, 7-8 open, 6 in color
Flowerhead 23”
Field Height 40”
70 days
Large= $5 each
(Selinger 2017) 354 EM
[Sel 07-40] (Cardinal II x Crown Jewel)
fire engine red
4 1/4” floret, 25 buds, 8 open, 6 in color
Flower head 23”
Field Height 44”
75 days
Large= $3 each
(Meyer 2017) 324 M
[JM 80-100] (Boy O Boy x unk)
One of the the best for health and SHOW. #6 NAGC Top 10 Show Report and # 4 Top 10 Recent Introduction!
vibrant red-orange
4” floret, 24 buds, 9 open, 7 in color
Flowerhead 24”
Field Height 58”
80 days
Large= $3 each
Address45313 240th Ave NE, Middle River, MN 56737