(Forever 2013) 414 LM
[parentage unknown]
Saturated medium yellow. The round, lightly waved florets,
should be great in the garden and wonderful in the vase and basket.
Large=$1.50 each
Unit = 6 Large= $7
(Bob Longhenry 2020) 379 M
[LH 898-9] (T-902 x Stiles Violet)
A marvelous combination of rich purple with a deep violet blotch, and a thin white midrib line. 26 buds, 8 open,6 in color, 26 inch flowerheads, 52 inch field height. Bold Avenger makes great cutflowers with long heads and good handles.
Large=$3 each
Unit= 3 Large=$8
Only a few left!
(John Meyer 2019) 333 EM
[JM 98-13] ( seedling x The Toy )
A trifecta of lush salmon, with creamy gold surrounding lavender feathered lower petal markings.
A formal decorative cut-flower with lots of substance. Holds open 10 ruffled and needle pointed well attached florets.
Large=$3 each
Unit= 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $7
Sold out
(John Meyer 2020) 313 M
[JM 12-361] (Red Hot Kisses x Boy O Boy)
Ruffles, ruffles, ruffles! A bright light yellow with a deeper center, and a loud cherry blotch.
Canary Ruffles is such a happy glad, informal to formal in presentation. 24 total buds, 7 open, 5 in color, on a 24inch flowerhead and a 50 inch field height. A joy to grow and arrange with.
Large=$5 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $12
(Selinger 2007) 375 EM
Lovely shade of medium lavender with a pronounced deep rosy-lavender blotch. Opens 8 of 24 buds with formal style, gentle ruffling, and good substance.
Large= $2.00 each
(John Meyer 2022) 333 M
[ JM 14-86] (Boy O Boy x open)
Large=$6 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $15
(Reg Powys-Lybbe 2021) 412 M
[PL 2001-18-01] (Greenback x PL 95-01-06)
Large=$5 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $12
Sold out
(Meyer 2017) 324 M
[JM 80-100] (Boy O Boy x unk)
One of the the best for health and SHOW. #6 NAGC Top 10 Show Report and # 4 Top 10 Recent Introduction!
vibrant red-orange
4” floret, 24 buds, 9 open, 7 in color
Flowerhead 24”
Field Height 58”
80 days
Large= $3 each
Unit= 6 Large = $15
Sold out
(Meyer 2017) 354 M
[JM176-100] (Coral Butterfly x unk)
vivid medium red with petal edge traced with a white thread
3 3/4” floret, 26 buds, 9 open, 6 in color
Flowerhead 28”
Field Height 60”
83 days
Large= $3 each
(John Meyer 2021) 335 M
[JM 14-165] (Boy O Boy x Pink Hummingbird)
Large=$5 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $12
Sold out
(Selinger 2017) 354 EM
[Sel 07-40] (Cardinal II x Crown Jewel)
fire engine red
4 1/4” floret, 25 buds, 8 open, 6 in color
Flower head 23”
Field Height 44”
75 days
Large= $3 each
(Dutch ) 404 M
[parentage unknown]
New to our catalog. We have been searching for an ideal cutflower green. Perhaps we have found it. Lovely waved, medium green florets.
Should be great in the garden and wonderful in the vase and basket.
Green Acres was formal and held it's quality very well as a cutflower. A new favorite.
Large=$2.00 each
(Selinger 2016) 435
This is a crowd pleaser. Lovely color, fancifully formal, straight with show potential. Beautiful show quality spikes, a medium salmon with a cream throat.
Large= $3 each
Only a few left!
(Frederick 2009) 343 EM
A gift from Heaven, light heavenly salmon-pink embellished with creamy yellow lip petals, Stunning! 26 inch flowerheads, featuring 24 buds, with 8 open and 7 in color.
Large=$3.50 each
(Dave Kollasch 2021) 310F LM
[KO 12013-2] {(Lemon Meringue x open) x Lucky Star}
Has a fragrance that most people can detect.
Large=$3 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $7
(Peeters 2008) 424 EM
(Dream Dust x Mountain Meadow)
A smooth medium salmon-orange with the lower petals somewhat darker, and a yellow spear on the lip petal. The 29 inch flowerhead, has 5 ½ inch florets with 25 buds, holding 9-10 open, and 9 in color. Heavy substance and formal placement help to give Huron County a superb presentation.
Large= $3.00 each
Sold out
(Meyer 2015) 333 EM
[JM 6-09] (open x open)
You will want to do that little “Jiggity Jig” dance, and shake those tail feathers, when you see this cute little number! Oh yes you will. When you see this light salmon, with deep salmon veining and cream splashed markings around the petal edges, you will dance! There’s more; the lip petal is covered in creamy light yellow and overlaid with deep salmon veining. You will dance! 22 total buds, holding open 8, 4 inch ruffled triangular florets, with 6 in color, on 26 inch flower heads, and 54 inch total field height. Heavy substance, luscious color, you will dance the “Jiggity Jig.”
Large= $2.50 each
Unit= 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $5.00
(John Meyer 2018) 377 EM
[JM 12-271] (Super Cross X {Kings Kisses X open})
Lively deep rosy lavender florets, with a much deeper colored lip petal that has goldish-tan dusting showing through. Exquisite chiseled ruffling and heavy substance, how can you resist Kjerstin. Displaying formally 8 open, 7 in color, of 25 buds, on straight refined, medium tall plants. Named in honor of John and Barb's granddaughter, Kjerstin.
Large and Medium= $6 each
Only a few left!
(Don Selinger 2021) 300 M
[Sel 08-180] (About Face x Hot Pink )
Large = $4 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $10
(John Meyer 2021) 366 M
[JM 15-77] (Farmer Boy x open)
Large=$5 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $12
(Meyer 2014) 300 M
[JM 28-08] (Open)
Pristine white with a cream glow in the throat.
A 4” floret with 22 buds, 8 open and 5 in color.
Flower head 28”. Field height 50” beautiful cutflower.
Large= $3 each
(John Meyer 2019) 300 M
[JM 25-100] ( )
A tall formal grower of pure white, gently waved, round florets, with crisp substance and strong attachment.
Large=$5 each
Unit= 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $12
AAS (Meyer 2017) 377 EM
[103-100] (Cindy B x unk)
deep royal lavender with a wide tan lip petal marking extending 3/4 onto
lip petal with a dusting of deep lavender over the tan
3 3/4” floret, 26 buds, 10 open, 8 in color
Flowerhead 26”
Field Height 56”
79 days
LARGE $5.00
(Ehl Josef 2021) 341 M
[Ehl 100-13] ( )
Large=$5 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $12
Only a few left!
(John Meyer 2018) 310 M
[JM 38-15}
Elegant crisp cream, with a slightly deeper throat and lip. Exhibition proportions 26 buds, up to 10 open, 7 in color, good attachment and fine formal placement. Heavy substance and wonderful ruffles. Start your day out right with Morning Grace.
Large= $5 each
Unit= 3 Large = $12
Meyer 2013) 333 EM
[JM 86-04] (open)
As with a great “work of art” you will want a closer look. At a distance you’ll appreciate the triangular, light pinkish salmon florets with the cream throat. But it’s the patina of deeper medium pink flecking over the cream that really sets the mood of this interesting glad. Nice slender arranging stems, with 22 bud heads, holding 7 open, and 5 in color- an arranger’s delight.
Large= $2.50 each
Sold out
(Frank Hartnell 2011) 401 M
....OH MY GOSH! WHAT A BEAUTY! Purity in white, and embellished with a light rose-pink brushed marking in the throat. The surreal ruffling; every edge has remarkable close undulations, accenting the round floret form. 26 inch flowerheads with 26 buds, that can hold open 11 in good condition, and 7 in color. Total enjoyment both show and garden.
Large= $4.00 each
(Saran 2001) 327 LM
Voluptuous waxy substance, heavily ruffled dark scarlet/orange. Petra’s petals are tightly attached with formal placement. A dependable BEAUTY!
Large= $2.00 each
Sold out
(Don Selinger 2018) 543 LM
[Sel 08-248] (Pink Elegance x Linn Grove)
Light pink with a large white throat.
5 1/2 inch round florets,
28 to 30 buds, 8 to 10 open, 8 to 9 in color
32 inch flower head, 66 inch field height
Several times a Exhibition Seedling Champion.
Large= $8 each
Sold out
(Balcikons 1995) 595 LM
Under the current color chart, I would classify it a 596. The color is a medium pinkish grey. Subtle light specking and veining throughout, maybe puts it as a 597.
Priesh Aushra is an easy grower, and just lovely! It has light wavy petals, the upper petal is quite distinct, being large pronounced oval shape. Thanks to Antanas Markevieius, for providing the wonderful photo! Sometimes a hard color to get to show right in pictures.
Sometimes there is confusion between Natashenka and Priesh Aushra. Just remember,
Natashenka = mid brown and quite ruffled.
Priesh Aushra = grey and light wavy petals.
Large= $3.00 each
(Longhenry 2016) 456 M
Fabulous scarlet red, lightly ruffled, wide open, with formal placement.
24 buds, 8 open,7 in color, Healthy and a runaway propagator.
Large= $2 each
(John Meyer 2022) 365 M
[ JM 12=341] (Boy O Boy x The Kings Kisses)
Large and Medium = $6 each
(Madeson 1997) 456 M
Velvety deep red with darker lip petal, has waxy substance and is well ruffled.
Large= $2.00 each
Sold out
(Hartline 2010) 512 M
A very formal, light yellow with a deeper yellow lip petal. Opens 9 huge heavy substanced 6” florets, with 7 in color. 22 buds on a 30-32” flowerhead.
Large= $2 each
(John Meyer 2020) 312 EM
[JM 12-407] (Boy O Boy x Queen of Hearts)
Light yellow intensifying to a medium yellow lip petal. The color gives a two tone effect to Sunny Dee and is enhanced by the rounded shape of the petals and interesting pleats and ruffles. 22 total bud, holding open 7 with 6 in color, placed formally on 22 inch flowerheads, with a 52 inch field height. Her formal dress will become an instant favorite.
Large=$6 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $14
Sold out
(Fischer 2006) 463 EM
A creamy medium rose with a deeper rose throat. Tall growing and vigorous.
Large= $1.50 each
Only a few left!
(Konicek 1999) 326 M
(Centerpiece x Elan)
This is classified as a red but appears a deep scarlet orange here at Honker Flats.
I use it as an orange, with its highly ruffled, florets of heavy waxy substance.
Large= $2.00 each
Unit= 6 Large = $10.00
(Meyer 2017) 343 EM
[JM 17-15]
(Scrumptious x unk)
Medium shade of pink getting lighter toward the center. Inner petal edge
fringed with pale spring green color.
3 3/4” floret, 24 buds, 8 open, 6 in color
Flowerhead 24”
Field Height 56”
77 days
Large= $3 each
(Klutey 1992) 373 EM
Light lavender with an expressive rose –purple blotch. Gently ruffled beauties with good substance and formal exhibition style. Parent of many outstanding varieties.
Large= $2.50 each
Sold out
(Meyer 2011) 311 M
[JM 80-05] (open)
Named for John’s grand daughter, this glad will dance right to the front with its creamy ivory formal blooms and lovely light yellow glow flowing over the throat. The lavender anthers and small rose marks deep in the throat give the lightly ruffled florets that “twinkle in the eye” look. Great healthy, strong, stiff plants, 25 inch spikes of 24 buds, opening 8 with 7 in color will be a delight wherever it’s used.
Large= $2.00 each
Sold out
Sold out
(Boyce 1978) 483 EM
Huge, lightly ruffled, mid blue with a white throat. Makes a great cut flower.
Large= $3.00 each
Sold out
( Jim Madson 2002) 487 M (AA)
There is no mistaking this one of a kind glad. I have many favorites, but, this All-America Gladiolus Selection, created by our friend Jim Madson of Minnesota is the real deal. If you like designing you’ll love this velvety dark blue with the sparkling white star! Starry Night has strong stiff stems, heavy substance, and good attachment of florets.
Large= $4.00 each
Unknown 388 M
We received this as mis-identified stock from Dutch sources. Although the name is unknown, it still is a very good growing deep violet. A good cut flower.
Large=$1.50 each
(Dutch) 381 E
A lovely soft violet with a large deep purplish violet blotch, making desirable cut-flowers.
Large=$1.50 each
(Meyer 2015) 323S EM
[JM 105-09] (open x open)
Back on the drumming grounds “Prairie Chicken” is sure to attract a mate, with its light smoky orange color, and displaying deeper orange lip petals. The plump, round, ruffled florets with great substance, open informally. 24 total buds, holding 8 open, with 6 in color, 28 inch head and 54 inch field height. Very healthy, and sturdy grower.
Large and medium = $2.00 each
(Meyer 2015) 437 E
[JM 8-08] (open x open)
“The Butler Did It,” using this charming deep salmon with a large cream center, reminiscent of a bulls-eye! The deeper reddish salmon flecks displaying in the salmon color help to mystify the event. 5 inch round plain florets, 22 total buds, 8 open, 6 in color, informal placement, with 26 inch heads, 54 inch field height. It’s definitely the floret shape and bulls-eye effect that make this glad. A Carl Fischer Award winning design was created by our friend Jim Butler at a MN State Glad Show, New Ulm. Mystery solved.
Large and Medium= $3.00 each
Sold out
(Vaclavik 2005) 425 LM
Glowing apricot-orange overlaid with luminescent creamy yellow on the lower petals.
Nicely ruffled with excellent waxy substance.
Large= $3.50 each
(Hartline 2008) 475 LM
(Show Stopper x Yellow sdlg.)
Rosy lavender with yellow lip that has a lavender picotee around the yellow lip. Lightly ruffled, large 5 ¼” , wide open florets displayed formally.
30 inch flowerheads, 22 buds, 9 open - 6 in color.
Field height 52”
Large= $3 each
Sold out
(Vaclavik 2001) 454 M
Classified as a medium red. I see it as a deep orange, or at least an orange-red.
Regardless, it is a vibrant color that is easy to grow. Large wide open ruffled florets.
Large= $3 each
Only a few left!
(Simonaitiene 2007) 599 M
Probably the truest brown, if not the most beautiful. Huge, ruffled blooms, with a heavy substance.
Large= $4.00 each
Sold out
(Grube’ 1997) 478 M
A rich dark shade of violet-purple. Photos just can’t capture the violet blue undertones and velvety rich sheen. Wonderful substance and one of my favorite cut flowers.
Large= $2.00 each
Sold out
(Frazee 1976) 465 M
A rich lavender rose with gold cream veining throughout, that makes a good cut flower.
Large= $1.50 each
(Bob Longhenry 2018) 425 LM
[LH A74A] {Sunglo x (Flair x Aldrett’s Orange)}
A luscious medium orange surrounds a large glowing yellow throat. Lots of ruffles and waves, give the florets an intoxicating appeal. Opening formally, holding 8-9 florets open, 6 in color, of 22 buds, Summer’s Punch will make your summer much more interesting. We’re so pleased to be able release this glad, hybridized by our friend, the late Bob Longhenry.
Large= $6 each
(Fischer-Madson 1999) 425 M
All-America Gladiolus Selection
Holiday has round saucer-like florets with secure attachment, placement, and heavy substance. A ripe juicy cherry blotch with a cream corona is nestled in the heart of each beautiful medium salmon-orange floret.
Large= $2.50 each
(Nels Anderson 2023) 565 M
[NA 1130] (unknown)
A wildly unique shade of medium purple-rose, with a red-rose throat marking. We grow hundreds of varieties and test lots of seedlings, but this color is totally unique. That was very evident when standing amongst a field of bloom and nothing was even close to this glowing color. 500 size, 6 inch blooms on 55 inch tall plants. It displays formal placement on long 30 inch heads, producing 28 buds, holding 9 open and 7 showing color. The florets hold up well, they are round, wide open, and have a medium substance. A wonderful addition to the 500 class, Wild Land is a fitting example, and a tribute to the work of the “late” Dr. Nels Anderson.
Large=$10 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $25
(Nels Anderson 2023) 563 M
[NA 1135] (unknown)
A large size with great saturation of color, Glory Land is a light pinkish-rose with a cream throat.
The 5 ½ inch florets are displayed formally, medium substance, with very good attachment.
29 inch flowerhead and 52 inch field height, 28 total buds, holding 9 open and 7 showing color.
Good medium stems and upright foliage.
A wonderful addition to the 500 class, Glory Land is a fitting example,
and a tribute to the work of the “late” Dr. Nels Anderson.
Large=$5 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $12
Only a few left!
(Cliff Hartline 2023) 357 M
[CH 18-54] (Enchanted Brown x unknown)
Lady Liberty will be a welcome sentinel in your garden or part of patriotic floral designs.
A very ruffled deep red with a brownish cast and excellent substance.
Florets are 4 ¼ inch, round, highly ruffled, and heavy substance.
Formally placed florets are tightly attached, with 22 total buds, holding 8 open and 7 in color on 21 inch heads.
Large = $10 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $25
Only a few left!
(Cliff Hartline 2023) 365 M
[CH 17-16] (Shadow Dancer x unknown seedling)
Sparkling medium rose with deep rose on lower petals and lips.
Florets are 3 ¾ inch, round, ruffled, and medium substance, and tightly attached.
Placed formally on 21 inch flowerheads.
19 total buds, holding 7 open and 6 in color.
48 inch field height, with nice medium stems and foliage.
Large=$6 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $15
(John Meyer 2023) 425 M
[JM 265-13] (Pink Lace x Sacia Lynn)
A lusciously joyous, ruffled medium orange with a large mysterious purple blotch and a deep rose midrib, fills the room with laughter. Minnesota glad designers have been waiting for this beauty to reappear after getting a sampling of it at our State Glad Show in New Ulm, MN, a few years back. It takes a couple years to build up enough stock to enter it in the All America Select Trials and also have enough to introduce.
Congratulations! John Meyer!
Florets are 4 ¼ inch, round, ruffled, and medium substance.
Placed formally on 26 inch flowerheads. 24 total buds, holding 10 open and 6 in color.
52 inch field height, good medium stems and foliage.
Large = $10 each
Unit= 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small = $25
(Jim Green 2023) 371 M
[JG A-06-08] (Amitie x Irene's Green)
Lovely light lavender with a cream blotch that extends with a midrib spear.
Florets are 4 inch, round, waved, and medium substance.
Placed formally on 24 inch flowerheads. 22 total buds, holding 8 open and 6 in color.
48 inch field height, good medium stems and foliage.
Jim Green’s first introduced seedling! Congratulations!
Large= $5
(John Meyer 2023) 335 M
[ JM 17-147] (unknown x JM 38-10)
Best Friend is a bright medium salmon, with a deep rose, medium brushed marking, on a cream throat.
Florets are round, waved, and medium substance.
Placed formally on 25 inch flower heads. 24 total buds, holding 8 open and 5 in color.
48 inch field height.
Large=$5 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $12
Sold out
(John Meyer 2023) 375 M
[JM 16-89] (Raspberry Swirl x open)
A beautiful informal cutflower, rosy medium lavender with a large white throat and midrib extending on the lower petals.
Florets are 4 ¼ inch, round, wide open, waved, and medium substance.
Placed informal on 23 inch flowerheads. 24 total buds, holding 7 open and 5 in color.
53 inch field height, good medium stems and foliage.
Large= $6 each
Unit= 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $15
(John Meyer 2023) 358 M
[ JM 188-100] (Ebony Beauty x open)
Midnight Majesty presents a regal color that everybody craves. The black red color has a rich velvety sheen, and each petal is enhanced with a thin white picotee edge. Much darker than the photo.
Florets are 3 1/2 inch, round, waved, and medium substance.
Placed formally on 23 inch flowerheads.
22 total buds, holding 8 open and 5 in color.
45 inch field height, nice medium stems and foliage.
Large=$6 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small=$15
(Cliff Hartline 2024) 345 M
[ CH 19-204] (Lady Lucille x open)
The sight of this glad just makes me happy. The outside edging is bright pink, with a large white throat and a picotee edging of pink on white. Plants display excellent health and vigor.
Florets are 4 ¼ inch, triangular, lightly ruffled, and medium substance.
Placed formally on 25 inch flowerheads. 23 total buds, holding 10 open and 6 in color.
51 inch field height, with good medium stems and foliage.
Large=$6 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $15
(John Meyer 2024) 343 AAS EM
[JM 17-158] (Frosty Rose x Peggy Roseby)
What a stunner! Capturing the All America Select trials with it’s deep chiseled & fluted appearance. Dancing Snowflakes shows light pink on the petal edges and the upper half, with cream and light yellow lips.
Florets are 4 inch, triangular, needlepointed, heavily ruffled, and medium substance.
Placed informal on 26 inch flowerheads. 24 total buds, holding 12 open and 6 in color.
52 inch field height, with good medium stems and foliage.
Large and medium= $6 each
(Cliff Hartline 2024) 435 M
[CH 17-05] (Knickknack x Pandora’s Box)
A dreamy combination of medium salmon outer edges with medium yellow flowing wide over the throat. Very attractive.
Florets are 4 3/4 inches, round, heavily ruffled, and heavy substance.
Placed formally on 20-inch flowerheads. 23 total buds, holding 9 open and 6 in color.
40-inch field height, with good medium stems and foliage.
Large= $6
Sold out
(Cliff Hartline 2024) 335 M
[ CH 16-85] (Super Cross x CH 73-20-13)
Fascinating, unusual, beautiful, striking, all describing this remarkable combination of medium salmon with deep rose markings throughout.
Florets are 4 inch, round, heavily ruffled, and heavy substance.
Placed formally on 20-inch flowerheads. 20 total buds, holding 8 open and 6 in color.
50-inch field height, with good medium stems and foliage.
Unique color for sure!
Large and medium = $8 each
(Cliff Hartline 2024) 332 M
[ CH 0-20-6] (Prime Pink x open)
A luxuriant self-colored light pinkish salmon, being lighter toward center.
Florets are 4 inch, round, ruffled, and medium substance.
Placed formally on 27-inch flowerheads. 23 total buds, holding 9 open and 5 in color.
50-inch field height, with good medium stems and foliage.
Large =$6 each
Unit= 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $15
(Cliff Hartline 2024) 455 M
[CH 19-205] (Top Thriller x open)
An attention getting medium red with a deep red wine throat.
Florets are 5-inch, triangular, waved, and medium substance.
Placed formally on 25-inch flowerheads. 24 total buds, holding 9 open and 6 in color.
50-inch field height, with good medium stems and foliage.
Large=$6 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $15
Sold out
(John Meyer 2024) 433 EM
[JM 18-11] (Feel’n Groovy x Early Edition)
A lusciously joyous, light salmon with a medium cream throat, named in Memory of John’s Mom. Jennie Ann is a wonderfully formal and proportioned glad with show potential.
Florets are 4 1/2-inch, round, waved, and medium substance.
Placed formally on 26-inch flowerheads. 24 total buds, holding 10 open and 7 in color.
52-inch field height, with good medium stems and foliage.
Large = $6 each
Unit= 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small = $15
Address45313 240th Ave NE, Middle River, MN 56737