(Meyer 2017) 199 M
(Lady Edith x Huron Mask)
deep reddish brown with contrasting milky white speared blotch on lower
2 1/4” floret, 20 buds, 8 open, 5 in color
Flowerhead 22”
Field Height 44”
75 days
Large= $3 each
(Kollasch 2014) 135 M
[Ko 08040-6] (Sashey x Open)
Large upper petal is a bright salmon over a bright yellow lower floret.
Wonderfully smooth colors, with great form for show or design.
A 2 ¼” floret with 18 buds, 5- 6 open and 3 in color.
Flower head 18”. Field height 40”
Large= $2 each
PROFESSOR PLUM (David Selinger 12) 278 EM
[Sel 04-17] (Rembrandt X (Magic Night x Bambino))
Professor Plum did it in the show hall, on the court of honor. He used those fantastic deep purple blossoms, accented with light lavender-white anthers and stigma to his advantage- who could argue with slender stiff stems, a 24 inch flowerhead, 24 buds, opening 8 in formal fashion and 5-6 in color. Case solved.
Large and Medium = $3 each
(Peeters 2003) 256 M
A deep scarlet red that darkens in the throat.
Florets of medium substance are held on sturdy stiff stems.
Rapid propagator.
Large= $1.50 each
Only a few left!
(John Meyer 2019) 268 EM
[JM 600-25]
Long heads of black rose with a thin edge of white. The whitish anthers complement.
Large=$3 each
Unit= 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $7
Only a few left!
(Don Selinger 2020) 255 EM
[Sel 08-22] (Huron Mask x Sel 04-127={Pulchritude sdlg x (Whistle Stop x Butterflies)})
Ready to rev your engines? Hot Rod is a smooth vibrant medium red with thin light yellow midrib lines, and noticeable white anthers. The rich color is non-fading, and a purr-fect choice for the red in Patriotic theme designs. The triangular florets are lightly ruffled with resilient medium substance. 20 inch flowerheads with 18 total buds, holding 7 open, with 5 in color, displayed in zigzag fashion on slender stiff stems with a field height of 40 inches.
Large=$3 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $7.00
(John Meyer 2020) 201 E
[JM 12-191] (Professor Plum x open)
Brace yourself for some Jelly Kisses. A smooth lovely white with a large speared thumbprint blotch of red rose. The blotch has a distinct crisp edge. Early blooming, round lightly waved florets with long lasting medium substance. 24 inch flowerheads with 22 total buds, 8 open, 5 in color displayed in beautiful formal fashion.
Large=$6.00 each
(John Meyer 2020) 279 VE
[JM 16-100] (Teacup x open)
“There’s one.” “There’s another.” “I got one Barb.” “Me too Johnny.”
You would think that the Meyer family only cuts glads, but today they’re collecting Lightning Bugs!
These flashy little numbers are worth catching. You will giggle with delight when you have a jar full of these purple glads with the lightning yellow centers. The triangular florets, arranged in zig zag style on 24 inch flowerheads, sport 22 total buds, 8 open and 4 in color, and a field height of 54 inches. Nice miniature blooms on slender stems, put some Lightning Bugs to work for you.
Large = $4 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $10
Only a few left!
(John Meyer 2020) 115 EM
[JM 6-15] (Lady Edith x Huron Mask)
Tweetie Bird will lift you up and put a song in your heart. Bright melodic yellow with a dancing red edge. Designers at Minnesota Glad Society Shows have been coveting this gem of a seedling for several years, when John has brought it to share for the design competitions. Rounded and lightly waved, on nice slender stems. 18 total buds, 6 open and 4 in color, displayed informally on 22 inch flowerheads. Don’t let any puddy tats get your Tweetie Birds.
Large=$5 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $12
(John Meyer 2021) 157 E
[ ] ( )
Large=$4 each
Unit = 1 Large Medium 1 Small=$9
(Lyle Madeson 2021) 255 M
[ LM OC -17B] ( )
Large=$4 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $9
(John Meyer 2021) 112 E
[JM 14-41] (Snoflakes x Smiltele)
A tiny bright lime-yellow with more lime expressed in opening florets and buds, with a hint of rose in neck. The prominent anthers and stigma stand at attention, having a lavender touch.
2" floret, 18 buds, 6 florets open and 4 buds in color
flower head - 22"
field height - 40"
70 days
Large=$3 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $7
Sold out
(Kollasch 2002) 275 EM
(KO 94015-1) x (Snowflake x open)
We are thrilled to bring back this lovely variety. Fittingly, the seed parent to Cliff Hartline’s 2021 Introduction “TOUCH OF IRISH.” The round, ruffled florets, show off a bright lilac color, with a large lime throat. A lilac and lime combination that is a favorite in floral design. (note-color is more lime, than in the photo)
Large=$3 each
(John Meyer 2022) 143 E
[LH 392-2 ] (Minikin x The Butler Did It)
Oh MY! This is one of the cutest little glads we grow.
Large=$5 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $10
(David Kollasch 2022) 215 EM
[KO 14166-7] (Minikin x open)
Dressed in a tight-fitting sparkling yellow gown, embellished with prisms of rose light, Sundancer will sweep you off your feet. Her celestial body promises 20 buds, with 6 or more open and 4 showing color, on 28 inch heads. Displaying round, ruffled, needlepointed florets, with medium waxy substance in zigzag fashion. Don’t let her diminutive size fool you, this little dancer is all CLASS!
Large=$5 each
Unit=1 Large, 1 Medium, 1 Small = $12.00
(Cliff Hartline 2023) 233 M
[CH 17-36] (Boy O Boy x Shadow Dancer)
A riot of color. A light salmon with a wide light yellow throat splashed with a large, medium-rose veined blotch, and pale salmon on the top petal with yellow and rose markings. oofda!
The 22 bud heads can hold 10 round ruffled florets open with 6 in color.
The 3 inch florets are tightly attached and placed formally on 20-inch heads.
40 inch field height, with nice medium stems and foliage.
Very good propagator.
Large = $8 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small = $18
Sold out
(Dave Kollasch 2023) 105 EM
[KO 14016-1] (Fragrant Lady x fragrant seedling)
Remember me in medium green, with a large maroon blotch on my lower petals and some reflection of that brownish red in my upper petals.
Don’t wait until September, to remember, the perfect times spent with you.
Miniature with 2 ¼ inch blooms in zigzag placement on 20 inch flowerheads, growing 40 inches.
20 buds holding 7 open with 4 in color, medium substance.
Limited Availability. Tiny, unusual beauty.
This is a great one! Sorry- SOLD OUT. Check back in 2025.
Large=$10 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $21
(John Meyer 2023) 135 EM
[JM 17-117] (Squire x Badger Kisses)
A medium pinkish salmon with a large cream center and cream midrib spears extending on the outer petals.
Florets are 2 ¼ inch, triangular, lightly waved, and medium substance.
Placed zig zag on 24 inch flower heads. 22 total buds, holding 8 open and 5 in color.
49 inch field height, slender stems and upright foliage.
Large = $6
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $15
(John Meyer 2023) 279 M
[ JM 16-01] ({Lingerie x open} x open)
A dangerously captivating burgundy overlaid with gold and brownish red, flames of lighter burgundy flash upwards from the roof of it's mouth, showing off the white hot anthers.
Florets are 3 ¼ inch, triangular, ruffled, and medium substance.
Placed formally on 22 inch flowerheads. 22 total buds, holding 8 open and 6 in color.
44 inch field height, good medium stems and foliage.
Unique color for sure!
Large and Mediums $8 each
(John Meyer 2023) 155 EM
[ JM B-1] (unknown-lost label)
If you like small and loud, Little Sparkie will catch your eye!
Vibrant medium red with thin white midrib line.
Florets are 2 inch, round and wide open, waved, and medium substance.
Placed formally on 22 inch flowerheads. 22 total buds, holding 8 open and 5 in color.
41 inch field height, nice slender stems and foliage.
Easy to fit into floral designs.
Large=$6 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small=$15
(John Meyer 2023) 125 EM
[ JM 15-70] (Ewert 08-17A x open)
Amongst the hills and fields of Potsdam, in the secret places dwell the tiniest of creatures, the "glad one" calls Potsdam Pixie. Often showing up dressed in a lovely shade of fresh salmon orange. Her center, a glistening white with a large cherry rose bullseye blotch.
Florets are 2 ¼ inch, round, waved, and medium substance.
Placed informally on 23 inch flowerheads.
20 total buds, holding 8 open and 4 in color.
47 inch field height, with nice slender stems and foliage.
Large=$6 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small=$15
(John Meyer 2023) 143 EM
[ JM 17-122] (Squire x Badger Kisses)
Potsdam Princess has tightly attached round florets held perfectly in zigzag fashion on arrow straight stems. She's a blushing light pink with a large creamy throat. A diffused deep pink blotch in the throat of each petal with multiple deep pink lines radiating further onto the petals.
Florets are 2 ¼ inch, round, waved, and medium substance.
Placed zig zag exhibition style, on 25 inch flowerheads.
24 total buds, holding 10 open and 4 in color.
52 inch field height, with nice slender stems and medium foliage.
Large=$6 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small=$15
Only a few left!
(John Meyer 2023) 111 EM
[ JM 17-28] (Bling x Daddy's Girl)
Fall in Love with “Sweetie Heart.” A tiny cream glad with a
distinctive, light rosy-lavender aurora marking. Our description: Aurora, a marking predominantly seen in the
outer 1/3 areas of the petals, as if dancing like Aurora Borealis.
Florets are 2 1/4 inch, round, waved, and medium substance.
Placed zig zag exhibition style, on 24 inch flowerheads.
22 total buds, holding 8 open and 4 in color.
48 inch field height, with nice slender stems and foliage.
Large=$6 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small=$15
Sold out
(John Meyer 2024) 245 M
[JM 14-156] (Boy O Boy x JM#6)
Just like a kid Blowing Bubbles, wonderful medium pink outer edges surround a light milky pink with a glowing cream radiating from the center. Very full and formal for a 200 size glad. It will be hard to beat.
Florets are 3 1/2 inch, round, ruffled, and heavy substance.
Very formal placement on 24 inch flowerheads. 26 total buds, holding 9 open and 7 in color.
49-inch field height, with medium stems and foliage.
Large=$6 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $15
Sold out
(John Meyer 2024) 279 M
[JM 18-41] (JM Midnight Majesty x Blackberry Jam)
Keep your eyes wide open, this wizard is here to charm you. A designer’s dream.
A deep grape purple with a large cream throat, with some cream extending to the upper petal. The grape color is dusted with cream and the cream areas are dusted with grape. The anthers are dark grape.
Florets are 3 inch, triangular, lightly waved, and medium substance.
Placed zig zag on 25-inch flowerheads. 22 total buds, holding 8 open and 4 in color.
46-inch field height, with good medium stems and foliage.
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $18
(John Meyer 2024) 226 EM
[JM 17-145] (Ruzova Sonata x JM 38-100)
A 200 size fiery deep orange. Excellent healthy plants.
Florets are 3 inch, round, waved, and medium substance.
Placed informally on 24-inch flowerheads. 25 total buds, holding 8 open and 7 in color.
49-inch field height, with good medium stems and foliage.
Large=$6 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $15
Only a few left!
(John Meyer 2024) 235 E
[JM 15-11] (Minikin x The Butler Did It)
A medium salmon with some dark salmon flecks on the outer edges, surrounds a large cream Bullseye center.
Florets are 3 1/2-inch, round, plain petaled, and medium substance.
Face-up placement, on 22-inch flowerheads. 21 total buds, holding 7 open and 4 in color.
41-inch field height, with good medium stems and foliage.
Large = $6 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small = $15
Sold out
(John Meyer 2024) 101 AAS E
[CH 17-83] (Tweetie Bird x Yes)
White with a light pink upper inner petal. Not just any penny, this one made a big impression with the AAS trial evaluators.
Florets are 2 1/4 inch, triangular, waved, medium substance, and tightly attached.
Placed formally on 24 inch flowerheads. 22 total buds, holding 8 open and 5 in color.
48 inch field height, with nice slender stems and medium foliage.
Large=$6 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $15
(John Meyer 2024) 136 E
[ JM 17-127] (Squrie X Badger Kisses)
Deep salmon with thin white midrib lines, and very thin white picotee edge of petals.
Florets are 2 1/4 inch, round, waved, and medium substance.
Placed informal zig zag on 24 inch flowerheads.
24 total buds, holding 6 open and 3 in color.
44 inch field height, with nice slender stems and foliage.
Large=$6 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small=$15
(John Meyer 2024) 111 E
[ JM 18-113] (Kimono x Froggy Prince)
Start the party with this little cream displaying a rounded deep rose blotch
and a cream midrib.
Florets are 2 1/4 inch, triangular, waved, and medium substance.
Placed zig zag exhibition style, on 23-inch flowerheads.
22 total buds, holding 8 open and 5 in color.
49 inch field height, with nice slender stems and foliage.
Large=$6 each
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small=$15
Only a few left!
(Erik Dahl 2024) 153 VE
[E 18-176] (Minikin x The Butler Did It)
One of two, of Erik’s “First Introductions.” Quite a feat for a 17 year old. We are pleased to offer this exceptional Miniature light red with a large white center.
Florets are 2 1/4 inches, round, ruffled, and medium substance.
Placed informally on 24 inch flowerheads. 20 total buds, holding 7 open and 5 in color.
42 inch field height, with slender stiff stems and medium foliage.
Unit = 1 Large 1 Medium 1 Small= $18
Address45313 240th Ave NE, Middle River, MN 56737